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Health & Social Care Courses 

Care Certificate 


Safeguarding of Adults at Risk

Who needs this course?

All care/support workers


3 hours

Learning outcomes

*List the different forms of abuse as stated in the Care Act 2014

*Identify the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect

*Describe the role safeguarding adult boards

*Describe the role of multi agency safeguarding hubs

*Identify the alerting grading system under MASH

Assessment method

In house certification-written assessment


Safeguarding of Adults at Risk
Mental Capacity Act/DOLS

Who needs this course?

All care/support workers


3 hours

Learning outcomes

*Define what mental capacity is

*Describe how to assess capacity

*State how to make decisions in the 'best interests' of clients

*Deprivation of liberty safeguards in practice

Assessment method

In house certification-case study assessment

Mental Capacity Act/DOLS
Mental Health Awareness

Who needs this course?

All support workers in mental health


1 Day

Learning outcomes

*Define mental health

*Identify factors that impact on our mental health

*List the top 5 types of mental health illness and their symptoms and treatments

*Describe the stigma's/attitudes towards mental illness and how to overcome this

*Mental health management in the community

Assessment method

In-house accreditation- written assessment




Mental Health Awareness
Nutrition & Fluids Awareness

Who needs this course?

All care/support workers


1 Day

Learning outcomes

*List the factors that  effect our food choices

*Describe macro/micro nutrients and their role, carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals

*Describe the balance of good health and the different food groups and portion sizes

*State the required fluid intake amount and how to achieve this for hydration

*Identify a range of illnesses  linked to poor nutrition

*Menu planning

Assessment method

In-house accreditation-written assessment

Nutrition & Fluids Awareness
Equality & Diversity/Human Rights

Who needs this course?

All care/support workers


3 hours

Learning outcomes

*Describe equality and diversity and how to promote within health & social care

*Identify who experiences inequality

*List the benefits for a culture based on equality and how to ensure we promote this with our clients

*State why human rights are important and the link within health & social care and human rights legislation

Assessment method

In-house accreditation- written assessment


Equality & Diversity/Human Rights
Infection Control

Who needs this course?

All care/support workers


3 hours

Learning outcomes

*Identify the routes of infection

*Describe the measures needed to prevent the spread of infection

*Describe MRSA/CDIF/ECOLI 0157/Norovirus,

*Describe the chain of infection

*List the effective hand washing controls to prevent infection

Assessment methods

In-house accreditation-written assessment


Infection Control
Inanimate Manual Handling

Who needs this course?

Staff who move inanimate objects


3 hours

Learning outcomes

*Define manual handling

*Risk factors included in manual handling and risk assessments

*Describe TILE and complete a risk assessment

*Describe how to lift inanimate objects safely

Assessment method

In-house accreditation- written assessment


Inanimate Manual Handling
Managing Challenging Behaviour
Who needs this course?
All health and social care staff
4 hours
Learning outcomes
*Define challenging behaviour
*Identify who can present challenging behaviour
*List the triggers and management controls for challenging behaviour
Assessment method
In-house assessment
Managing Challenging Behaviour
Person Centred Planning

Who needs this course?

All care/support workers


3 hours

Learning outcomes

*Describe person centred planning

*Identify how to implement person centred planning

*State what MAPS & PATHS are and demonstrate how to complete effectively

Assessment method

In-house accreditation-written assessment


Person Centred Planning



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